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Project Objective

ApniJagaah, a real estate business providing a platform for various property listings, collaborated with Havit Growth Agency to modernize their brand and expand their digital reach. The primary goal was to revamp their brand identity, leverage digital marketing and advertising, and redesign their website to effectively reach a broader audience and showcase a diverse range of property listings.

Client Overview

Client: ApniJagaah

Industry: Real Estate

Challenges: Modernizing the brand image, reaching a wider audience, and enhancing the online presence to cater to diverse property listings.

Solution Offered

Brand Revamp
  • Conducted an in-depth analysis of ApniJagaah’s existing brand identity, identifying areas for improvement and modernization.

  • Collaborated to revamp the brand identity, including logo redesign and branding elements, ensuring a fresh and contemporary look and feel.

Strategic Digital Marketing
  • Conducted market research and competitor analysis to understand the real estate market and define target audiences for ApniJagaah.

  • Formulated a customized digital marketing strategy to engage potential customers, increase brand visibility, and drive traffic to the platform.

Website Redesign
  • Redesigned the ApniJagaah website to create a modern, user-friendly interface that showcased property listings in an appealing and organized manner.

  • Enhanced the website’s functionality to provide a seamless user experience, making it easy for visitors to search for properties based on their preferences.

Strategic Advertising Campaigns
  • Designed and executed targeted advertising campaigns across various online platforms to boost brand awareness and attract potential customers.

  • Created compelling ad creatives that highlighted ApniJagaah’s unique selling propositions and encouraged engagement and inquiries.


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